Category Archives: Gerda Antanaityte

visualizing data. process

How does your movement look like?
The challenge was to find creative way to translate GPS data into visual form.

The idea is quite simple. What is home?  Probably it’s your center of the world. Every journey starts and ends here.  I picked  my home as initial point and marked it as origin of the drawing. Movement is illustrated by stretching coordinate lines. In that case you can always see how far you are from initial point.

Nautical and celestial cartography, where relations between objects are clearly linked in simple and aesthetic manner were inspiring graphic forms:

first concept sketches

and here’s how my interface sketch looks like.

My first recording started from home to school. I used antiMap application, which gathered data about speed, distance, time, compass position, longitude and latitude. It was interesting experience to see this trip visualized. Somehow it looked like personal documentary cartoon. Here’s how my trip looked like:

Size of ellipse represents speed, color changes are compass position. Even there’s no information about streets, from speed and ellipse position you can clearly define where are crossroads with traffic lights. I never thought how my trip would look like. It shows how maps can be informative as well creative by invoking different tools.

In example you can see only one way trip, but tomorrow I will go to the beach and probably come back home :) It will help to complete my map.

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bauhaus clock

The third task was to a create a clock which could count time in it’s creative way. Due to my personal admire to Bauhaus, I’ve decided to dedicate exercise to this great influential approach. The main idea was that clock has three parameters to count time (hours / minutes / seconds), which actually complement Bauhaus ideas (3 main colors / shapes etc.) It seemed interesting try to link it. I’ve started with grid, which was 60×60 for seconds, then 120×60 for minutes and 24 horizontal lines for hours. I’ve put all of them in the same canvas and added 3 lines representing different time ratio. Finally I’ve ended with linear and gradient versions of it. The linear purely shows how time ratios interact with each other, while the second one plays with colors, mixing ‘em and creating shades out of core colors.

So how does it work? The red part counts seconds: every loop (60 seconds) it pushes yellow minute line forward. When minute’s part reaches the end, it lifts blue hour up. You have to get used to understand what the time is, but finally there’s a picture of changing composition, which is based on classical RYB colors and flavor of 1930-ies.

here’s linear ..

..and gradient clock:

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The first exercise of programming fundamentals (together with Cristobal Castilla) was to code flags, which introduced us what processing and programming is and how to get images out of range of numbers and letters. There were 16 flags to make. For example, that’s how Catalan flag looks like in code:

void setup() {
size (190, 120);
void draw(){
rect(0, 0, 190, 120);

And these are all flags made by Processing:

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