Category Archives: Team 5


W-under-land is a project that explores the potential of underground spaces. The potential of developing
an underground culture to address sustainable issues and to explore novel architectural aesthetics that
emerges from a tool/rule based design strategy.

W-under-land is research on how spaces can emerge, when the (digital-)production tools and the material
properties are the main drivers for the design process. By creating a real-time feedback loop between the
environment sensors and the production code in the fabrication, W-under-land explores the potential of a
site specific design process.
Morten Bulow (Dennmark)
Mohamad Ghamlouch (Lebanon)
Marko Vukovic (Serbia)

Hacking Devices – Trimbot

Hacking devices
Team :  Morten Bulow ,Mohamad Ghamlouch ,  Marko Vukovic
Academic staff: Marta Male-Alemany, Victor Viña, Brian Peters
The project was part of the IAAC workshop “Hacking Devices”  with Victor Viña .The basic task was to hack  into existing technologies and re-define it  for a different use . We decided to dismantle  a printer and mount it on a wood axis ,as well as adding a light sensor to it , thus transforming it into a light mapper .
Checkout the Trimbot in Action or the pdf presentation of the workshop project.
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