This paper targets the growth of informal urbanism in Cairo. Informal settlements in Cairo tend to have a chaotic organization which in most cases lack safety and security. Slums have their own cultural protocols than the rest of Cairo; where urban pattern emerges from the collective formation of each individual, this process can be referred to as the machinic phylum.  The objective is to understand the slums’ chaotic growth pattern and employ it, to cross the line from criminal introverted urban areas to the warm safely protected areas.

The proposal is to generate a process for the slums’ growth by breeding the slums’ own cultural and urban protocols –  in this proposal the focus will be on Participation and the compactness of the built forms” [1] – with nature’s equations of growth in a system that coordinates the constant changes according to inhabitants behavior and context which may vary from Agricultural, desert or mountainous land.

[1] Shehayeb. 2009 : Advantages of Living in Informal Areas

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