Stability VS Evolution

The greatest challenge that we as architects will face throughout our professional practice shall be to persuade our clients, and sometimes, even ourselves that the easiest solution is not always the right one, to think on the architecture far beyond of the simple design of that beautiful isolated inert object, and start thinking of it as the development of components implicit in a much larger structure, that we could call reality; and a very complex reality, with multiple layers and connections.

We could even come to think that maybe the direct effect of this component in the whole is not very significant, but we must always keep in mind that regardless of the scale, this component could eventually redefine its context, and always represent an opportunity to generate an example, a prototype of a next step in the evolution of our field, step that we will define and from which will be responsible.

How do animals perceive their material environments? This question is intimately related to another one: what opportunities for action are supplied to an animal by its environment? 
(DeLanda, Manuel. March 2007).


Posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, IC.3 Theory Concepts | Comments closed

War in the age of intelligent machines – Manuel Delanda

War in the age of intelligent machines – Theory Devyani Farshad Hunia Jesus.wmv

Posted in Devyani Gupta, Farshad Mehdizadeh, HUNIA TOMOUM | Comments closed


This paper targets the growth of informal urbanism in Cairo. Informal settlements in Cairo tend to have a chaotic organization which in most cases lack safety and security. Slums have their own cultural protocols than the rest of Cairo; where urban pattern emerges from the collective formation of each individual, this process can be referred to as the machinic phylum.  The objective is to understand the slums’ chaotic growth pattern and employ it, to cross the line from criminal introverted urban areas to the warm safely protected areas.

The proposal is to generate a process for the slums’ growth by breeding the slums’ own cultural and urban protocols –  in this proposal the focus will be on Participation and the compactness of the built forms” [1] – with nature’s equations of growth in a system that coordinates the constant changes according to inhabitants behavior and context which may vary from Agricultural, desert or mountainous land.

[1] Shehayeb. 2009 : Advantages of Living in Informal Areas

Posted in HUNIA TOMOUM, IC.3 Theory Concepts | Comments closed

The Future in 3D

This essay describes and examines the impact of digital technologies on the relations of design and manufacturing processes on behalf of a view of digital technologies through developments in modeling capabilities, manufacturing techniques, material science, and design strategies. The digital era reached by the technological developments in different fields of science influenced the field of architecture, just like the others. So a new kind of spatial and tectonic quality in architecture is emerging with the lately introduced design tools and materials that are new to the building industry, while redefining the role of architect in this current time. The evolutionary processes of Contour Crafting and D-Shape, being the newest processes in 3D printing in architecture, are represented with realized examples and ideas that may one day be realistic, and if these technologies in the future can be the constructing methods for all buildings, and what is the roll of the architect in the process.

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Dress Code City

Trying to wear a “three dimensional” dress is not only a stylistic challenge but also architecture. Fashion and architecture seems to have penetrated to a field of another, as the need to create space and covering the body is a common goal. The cloth in architecture acquires different dimensions. Become shell, space, house, and clothing refuge of the human body. These garments refuge, with appropriate mechanisms and structures, converted, surround selectively the body, according to traveling conditions and environmental conditions.
Defy the conventional and standardized methods and the aesthetic of clothes while ensuring selective apparel, minimal, necessary, primary. The suit after the naked body of a traveling nomad, and the defined space between the bodies the fabric and the external environment, are the second skin. These “structures” will allow a level of mobility and flexibility, with opportunities for clustering, adding, disseminated, grouped and canceled in the city and gives a character of a non-permanent, temporary installation. Folds, sheathes, wrinkles and creases give to the user the possibility of determining the shell as an expression of personal property. One garment that the owner decides what will cover and what will show. Simultaneously giving to the city a changing and flexible system. The scale of the design approaches more and more to human body. These ‘’constructions’’ will make a strong human presence in public space. The mobility of individuals as a consequence of market globalization and the blending of cultures is a phenomenon particularly noticeable in modern cities that have been converted multi-cultural cities.

Lucy, Orta. 1996. Refuge Wear.UK, London

Posted in IC.3 Theory Concepts, Theodoros Grousopoulos | Comments closed