Relational Logics in Advanced Architecture


Relational Logics. T3.

Case Study – The View House. Diego Arraigada & Johnston Marklee

Critical Reading – Mark Wigley, “The Architecture of Atmosphere”, in Daidalos 68, July 1998, pp. 18-27

Relational logic in advanced architecture can be expressed as a natural relationship, cultural/social/territorial relationship and Informational/Digital relationship. These can be further defined as positional, metaphorical, atmospherical, intangible, disturbed and environmental relations.

The View house by Diego Arraigada &Johnston Marklee is an example where such relations can be identified as a positional response.

The form also expresses a metaphorical response to the imagery aspect of the context.The form here captures the frame the context in a very metaphorical manner, in a way trying to be in balance with the context. But is it in some way reaching to capture the atmosphere?

“The concept of atmosphere troubles architectural discourse- haunting those that try to escape it and eluding those that chase it.” – Mark Wigley.  The Architecture of Atmosphere.

Architecture has always been a response to the context/variables. It can hold, reflect and sometimes even mould the context. It can capture energy but it cannot capture the atmosphere. Atmospheres being complexly individualized, a collective responsive to it, in terms of architecture is a fragile illusion.

Advanced Architecture is highly reflecting the need of information. Such information can only be acted upon with relations. These relations are the grammar of advance architecture. Using information without such grammar is just irrelevant alphabets.  It helps create a complex network on which form can evolve, such complexity helps formulate reasons. And thus relational logics have a very primary role in building advanced architecture.


Research topic – Smart assembly systems as a response to the limitation of machine sizes in fabrication.

Understanding the difference between material and machines.

How can assembly, material and machines be unified into a singular system?

Can such system be a real time data driven response to every parameter?

And thus can it be an optimized response to all the relational logics?




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