Author Archives: Ryal Sequeira
Science of Building_Group_24
Posted in Adhitya Rathinam, John Koshy, Ryal Sequeira, Students Tagged House N, primitive future, Relational Logics, Science of Building, Sean Lally, Sou Fujimoto, The Shape of Energy Comments closed
Digital Logics_T2
Case Study: Rolex Learning Center, SANAA Text: Deleuze and the Genesis of form, MANUEL DELANDA What does the genesis of form and structure involve? If they were created then the creator employs resources beyond the capabilities of the material substratum of the same forms and structures, sometimes imposing explicitly transcendental defining forms on infertile materials. [...]
Relational Logics_T2
Critical Analysis: House N, Oita, Japan – Sou Fujimoto A home for 2 plus dog. It seeks to blur the barriers of distance and separation, to satisfy privacy despite having a zero setback from the street.