Category Archives: Nina Jotanovic

Nina Jotanovic

Playscape _ Mis-using Urban Environment


Theoretical Framework _ Primitive Future by Sou Fujimoto


In his text “Primitive Future”, Fujimoto questions the notion of locale and unintentional spaces. He relates architecture to the idea of a cave that allows people to spontaneously adapt to its various contours and hollows. As to re-introduce this theoretical format into physical terms, a spacial intervention is proposed in a way to suggest improvised means for inhabiting public spaces.  Mis-using urban objects creates a sense of disturbed relation with the context, questioning our conformity to conventional habits.


Also posted in Lubna Alayeli, Zunabath Abdul Majid | Tagged , , , | Comments closed

Parametricism – ____________________________________

Image of Radiolaria from Christan Toche, Radiolaria Project, eCAADe 07 Conference Proceedings, Frankfurt, Germany

Image of Radiolaria from Christan Toche, Radiolaria Project, eCAADe 07 Conference Proceedings, Frankfurt, Germany

Text _ Parametricism – A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design, Patrik Schumacher

How brave one can be to proclaim a new dominant and single style in architecture nowadays? Even though Patrik Schumacher defines the style as design research program, going far away from what we usually consider under this term, it can be argued that this declaration is too strong.

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Between Inside and Outside

Sou Fujimoto _ Primitive Future

Sou Fujimoto _ Primitive Future

Text _ Primitive Future, Sou Fujimoto

Case study _ Wall House, FAR


It can be argued that first architecture was a shelter from natural environment. On the contrary, recent architecture tends to investigate in more depth how to be one step closer to the nature. Nevertheless, we don’t want to expose ourselves to it completely, but rather find a way to control it, or find a right measurement of how much of it we want to let in our closed and secure shelter.

In the process of addressing this topic, the most relevant factor seems to be the envelope around inner space, the place where inside and outside are closer than anywhere else, but they never seem to meet. Simply a barrier, clear in protective role and appearance.

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