Relational Logic T2 – Ayaan Barodawala – click to view pdf
Relational Logics_Josep Alcover (click to download PDF)
The shape of energy T2
Case study: House N- Sou Fujimoto
Image fom Archidaily
Reading: SEAN LALLY- The Shape of Energy
Link- Weathers
For Sean Lally, the architect in the future have to focus on representing the data and the project would be – “strengthening and augmenting the characteristics and properties that both the surrounding environment and architecture share”. This reminds me of the Blur Building from Diller Scofidio. Architecture is about to design the ideal living model based on our ideology. If the form of these subtle energy play an important roll in our future living model, the aim of architect in the future would be how to amplify these data with the interaction of activities. I wonder would that be too immoderate to said that characterizing the shape of energy is the prior mission in the coming decade?
And for Sou Fujimoto, it shows a similar idea but in different approach. House N, same as EOS Series by Sean Lally, is a clear attempt of how the nature interact with our habitation. But the outcome is different, EOS Series is trying to represent the nature (energy), the achievement of this project can be visually seen, while in House N’s case is more conceptually challenging about the role of nature, the shape of the house might follow the rule of minimalism, but the idea of changing the layout of plan in urban life is powerful.
There are many debate of how form-finding are shallow, if form doesn’t have to follow the function, could it be formulate in an certain order itself ? (in Sean Lally’s case in energy)? The advanced architecture for me is to focus the morphology part but keep under close custody. Would be very interesting for me to have the chance to discuss this issue in the future research.