Category Archives: Students

Lamp: Metacrylate

The experiment aimed at understanding the behaviour of material with bending technique and what limitations we have due to its thickness. Hence with a 3mm thick transparent metacrylate, we created a lamp which explored in variations of curves. The variations were brought by changing the distance of hole and length of strips, thus proportionately varying the domain.

Parameters followed:



SPEED: 50%                        POWER: 100%


SPEED: 15%                       POWER: 60%



SPEED: 50%                   POWER: 30%


SPEED: 15%                   POWER: 15%


done manually using a heat gun.


In order to do the bending and avoid heating, a more thinner material i.e thickness of 1mm and strips of at least 600mm length is required to bring in a similar effect.

Also posted in Farshad Mehdizadeh, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Uncategorized | Comments closed

3D Printing // Spring Joints

Our main purpose is to test the bending capacity of the material according to different forms. The starting point was the plain form of a spring and its multiple profiles. This allowed us to test the different possible geometries and come to conclusion on which of them have more capacities on extending, bending and supporting rigidly the structure. The forms were modeled in Grasshopper and as a consequence they could be changed with different parameters like the number of turns of the helix and the dimensions of its profile. Continuously, we developed a new form which derived from this knowledge. This joint consists of an outer deformed helix which is connected to two inner ones which hold the 6mm bars. The parameters which influence the final printed forms is the maximum diameter of the center of the helix, the number of turns in all the three of them, the dimensions of the swiping profile and the height of the inner ones. From start the form which can be achieved using these joints and flexible bars was a geometrical form which could be deformed in a flexible way. That is to say, after deforming it, it can get back to its original shape.

Also posted in Deniz Tumerdem, Einar Hlér Einarsson, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, MARILENA GEORGANTZI | Comments closed

Lamp // Wood Bending & Weaving

We designed a unit, in which we can use the flexibility and the tension of the material due to the direction of wood’s fibers. We tested different ways of assembling it. After experimenting with different size of units and different joining methods (interlock, slots), we started to weave them. Using stripes, we weaved the units to each other. We figured that the material was performing itself; bending in the directions of the fibers due to the size of the unit. We created a pattern which optimizes the cutting surface. We used/weaved the lamp holder as a connection for the structure.

Also posted in Deniz Tumerdem, Einar Hlér Einarsson, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, MARILENA GEORGANTZI | Comments closed



In this project we were working with plexiglass (methacrylate) and we focused on creating a lamp using the technique of ribbing.

We decided to explore the possible different connections between the elements of our lamp and keep the form relatively simple, having the external volume of a cube as abounding box and in its center a sphere that will provide the necessary space for the lamp. The general idea was to increase the complexity of the ribbing technique, using more than two different axises for the planar sections. In the process we realized the bending and breaking limitations of the material and the effect topology of objects has in contouring-ribbing objects.

Cutting surface = 5400 cm2 Material used = 3787,3 cm Waste Material = 1612,7 cm2 (29,86 %)

Also posted in Akram Ahmed Salah, Aron Biro, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Pavlos Bakagiannis, ribbing | Leave a comment


Digital Fabrication final output ::: Lamp


We were assigned the bending technique using Paper/Cardboard. In our preliminary 3d model manual sketching we used 80g/sqm A4 sized papers. We wanted to design a lamp that is composed of several small units that interlocks and curves in more than one direction. We finally arrived to 0.6mm thick cardboard as it is not too thick in order to easily bend it in small scaled units and neither is it too thin in order to retain its curvature after bending.

Units' formation


Initially, we were trying to apply the concept of the geodesic dome, but using random units by which all the small units work together to form the whole. The challenge was how to create a random pattern of units of the same family or language (originating from a grid) so that together the units composes a lamp that it is viewed differently from different angles and dropping different shadowing effects.  Through our research, we found an interlocking connection, that we then developed  to assemble our units together. This connection end was then copied and mirrored and rotated along the 360 degrees one every 45 degrees,  in order for us to have a polar grid of 8 connection ends. From this grid we linked the connection ends by curvilinear lines, creating different formations of two, three, four and five sided versions of the same language.

Units - Grouping - Idea of engraving


Also posted in HUNIA TOMOUM, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jayanthimala Thangarajan Gokulrajkailash, YA-PING CHEN | Leave a comment