Category Archives: Theodoros Grousopoulos

3D printed joints

How to make a joint for a movable structure?

The design of the articulation started having as a case study the above working model.The joints were designed in order to serve specific movements which will provide the required mobility in the construction.
In order to have full movement, the construction require 12 articulation.
The essential function of almost all the joints is the rotation round an axis. This axis, and the union, are connected to the basic unit on which we can find connected maximum three related extensions.
However it could not be given the necessary mobility in construction if had not designed a central articulation. It’s basic function is to retain the overall grid. In this case the metal bar did not articulate but glide through the joint.

Also posted in 3d printing, Alexandre Dubor, Anna Kulik, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Milled Portrait

How to make a valcromat face?

In this exercise, it is expected to digitally design and fabricate in a Valcromat Panel and to explore the material effects that can emerge from the articulation between design, fabrication and material parameters.
With this surface as a case study we explore a specific material effect that will come out of the design strategies for surface design and/or curve pattern developed in Rhinoceros and also the definition of both the tool and machining path geometries in RhinoCAM, the composition of the material sandwich.

In order to define our work, we want to create an image, a ‘’pop art’’ portrait using the 3 colours (that will be the three layer of the valchromat panel). Our purpose was the design of this abstract portrait will come both from our own design and especially from the material effects and the capabilities of the machine. During the production process we found out that with this material (Valcromat Panel) the design follows the fabrication.

Read the instructions on the following images!

Also posted in Alexandre Dubor, Anna Kulik, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, news, References, Students | Comments closed

Folding Wood


The main purpose of our project was to find out how to work with material, what are its features. Our technology was folding, and material – wood. So we wanted to prove, that we could really fold it. Work with a material in its extreme points.

After we found the technique, we started creating the lamp, thinking about main purposes: avoidance of the direct light; thoughts about the rhythm; saving materials; using of one-way fold to save time of cutting process; creation of the form from one piece – without the introduction of any other materials (like glue) in between.



A=410*462=189420mm² = 1894 cm²
B= A – lamp hole (r=14mm) = 189420 – 615.44 = 188804.56 mm² = 1888 cm²
C=A-B= lamp hole (r=14mm) = 615.44
D=B/A*100= 0.996 = 99.6%


A = 450*502 = 22590mm² = 2259cm²
B = A – 2cm Marge – lamp hole (r=14mm) = 189420 – 615.44 = 188804.56 mm² = 1888 cm²
C=A-B= lamp hole (r=14mm) + 2cm Marge  = 615.44 + 36480 = 37095.44mm² = 370cm²

Also posted in Alexandre Dubor, Anna Kulik, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, wood | Comments closed