Tag Archives: 3d printing

3d-printed Nodes

Sliding Structure The starting point was the choice of the power that puts the model in motion – this power is gravity. The model slides down a rope and the mechanism converts the energy of sliding to rotate the joints. That’s why we needed to 3d print not only joints, but also the gears. Furthermore [...]

Posted in 3d printing, Gabriel Bello Diaz, Giorgio Badalacchi Moncada, Petr Novikov | Also tagged | Comments closed

Joints for eqilibrium

We part from the idea of recreating a structure that can move and stay in equilibrium as easily and as gracefully as a Calder Structure. These sculptures allow for a great deal of movement, and work perfectly in equilibrium, continuously stabilizing itself. We devised a joint that allowed us to take the Calder system a [...]

Posted in 3d printing, Akhil Kapadia, Angel Fernando Lara Moreira, Faculty, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jinglu Zhu, Students | Also tagged , , | Leave a comment