Category Archives: Students

Group 15_ Milled Collage

Our purpose is to create a contrast between four monochrome surfaces and a multi-colored surface situated in the middle. In the modeling procedure the four surfaces have a slope which causes a shade and at the same time the middle surface consists of distorted pyramids defined through a Grasshopper definition. The pattern of the pyramids allows different colors of valchromat to show. We created sloped contour lines on the four monochrome surfaces which are parallel to the inner edges. For the multi colored surface in the middle, we created dense contour lines on the pyramids.

for more details see the link > PRESENTATION, PDF

Also posted in Deniz Tumerdem, Einar Hlér Einarsson, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, MARILENA GEORGANTZI, Milling | Comments closed


Barcelona Port is in the edge of the city where different flows and fixities coexist together. The suggestion that different footage took from the port gave to us was the notion of the border. Boundaries or limits are part of the natural and urban composition that could be considered as negotiators between elements and actions; flows and fixities. The perception of the border is predominant in a port. Besides the idea that a port is the limit between the water and the land, it also means political, urban, social and economic boundaries.

The concept of the first approach we developed from the site was a visual record of all the type of limits we found in the port. The waterfront is a limit between the land and the water that has been shaped through the time. Also we found important to refer Kevin Lynch description of borders: “Borders are linear elements

not used or considered as paths by the observer.They are the boundaries between two phases, linear breaks in the continuity. These border elements are for many people importan organizing featureas, particularly in the role of holding together generalized areas”. For us, this concept is very important in order to understand the image of borders that cities have and maybe rethink it.

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Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, Diana Raquel León Roman, Faculty, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Comments closed

Folding paper/cardboard lamp

The aime of this project was to understand the behaviour of material with folding technique and what limitations we were facing with this material. In our case it was cardboard/paper. Hence with a 1mm thick black cardboard, we created a lamp which explored the possibillityes of structuring with a cardboard. We figured out a way to make a very rigid structure by folding the cardboard in a triangle. Exploring different sizes and we concluded in using the same size of triangles throughout the lamp and making the structure by composing those triangles on top of a solid base holding the light bulp.

The lamp gives a mixture of a direct light and diffused. Being able to see the bulp from some corners

- Emily Santos, Hulda Jónsdóttir and Minu Surana

Also posted in Emily Santos, Hulda Jonsdottir, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Laser cutting, Minu Surana | Tagged | Comments closed

3d Printing – Group 17

Motion was the main theme in the printed object, and aim to create a dynamic representation of the space. The idea was inspired from the mechanical (reciprocating) engines and the sequential movement between engine parts (cylinders and rods). The object consists of five joints, two different types, and ten steel rods. Moving one of the rods will cause the middle cylinder to rotate and to move the whole system.

Descriptions :
Type 1
• 3 pieces; one cylinder 18mm, two connecters one each side, two cylinders 12mm.
• 36 mm width.
• 30.6 mm height.
• 12 mm movement range.
Type 2
• 3 pieces; one cylinder 18mm, one connector one slot, two cylinders one with connector one with slot 12mm.
• 40 mm width.
• 30.6 mm height.
• 16 mm movement range.

Presentation (PDF)

Also posted in 3d printing, Ahmad Derhalli, Anna Popova, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Shruthi Basappa, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Valchromat Milling – Group 17

The idea was to create a geometrical pattern which can change and be perceived as a different volume from different angles. Leonardo da Vinci drawings were our inspiration. The object consists of 50 mm cubes and in each row the cube touches the adjacent cube in its corner (intersection point) and they have one parallel continuous diagonal line for the whole row. The rest of the rows are the same but it is shifted half the diagonal length to one side to intersect the cubes corners with the previous row intersection points.

Milling strategies
• 2 Axis engraving milling.
• 12mm radius tool.
• Maximum depth reached was 22mm.
• Process took 40 min to finish.

Presentation (PDF)

Also posted in Ahmad Derhalli, Anna Popova, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Milling, Shruthi Basappa | Comments closed