T1 Watercube -Digital Logics-Critical Analyze
T1 Thompson D. On growth and form-Readings
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Deluze explains about rhizomatic growth and how it occurs.in this text about rhizomatic growth , he explains with many examples as to how the growth occurs. The main characteristics about this growth is that -it has no center , -The connection for the growth occurs between two unrelated elements , -there is only an implication of a periphery, – there is continuation and multiplicity.
To further explain about the connection between unrelated elements, he gives the example of pollination and hence a connection between a wasp and a flower. They are two different species, connected in a process of and for growth.
But the important aspect to note in this growth type is ” there is no firm causality leading to the event” . i.e., there is no starting point ,And so also , there is no end point either.
there are five main points that deluze marks out for rhizomatic growth -
1. connection 2. heterogeneity 3.multiplicity 4. asignyfying rupture 5. cartography
these five aspects form the main characteristics of rhizomatic growth according to Deluze.
This building was a temporary exhibition structure.The concept of this structure was to use water,not just as a context but as an architecture element.The architect believes that architecture is a special effect machine. In this structure , the special effect was created by the water.The architect intended to create an architecture of atmosphere where the atmosphere is actually a part of the building element.Elements like space and skin was re evaluated and an attempt to break away from the conventional notion of space and skin was made.
water is pumped from the lake and is filtered and shot into the air with high pressured fog nozzle located the the edge / border of the structure.This water jutting out of the nozzle creates a facade and a notion of the space. this is a responsive system trained on actual weather conditions.the system reads the real weather and produces semi artificial and real weather and adapts itself accordingly.
As my research topic, am interested in generative design logics. Prototypes where a whole emerges from the multiple interactions between a single element.A system of growth which can generate itself from its own. A non static element which is designed to adapt and sustain, like a living organism. And to generate this concept to form a part of the larger system of growth and therefore the connections between them.
Blur Bluilding by Diller, Scofidio and Renfro for Swiss Expo 2002
This pavillion is an analogy to a cloud, with its uncertain and unpredictable boundaries. Solely made of its light tensegrity structure hidden by the fine water particles that floats in the air to create a fog mass through thousands of nozzles that project the water pumped from the lake on which the buildings sits on, or rather seems to be floating on. The water nozzles control its intensity through pressure and amount of water, regulated on a base of micro local weather state using digital sensors, either it is the wind strength or direction, temperature, air pressure, etc. to ensure the permanent yet ephemeral presence of the building as described.
Concept of rhizome by Deleuze and Guattari in the text “A Thousand Plateaus”
First, the concept of rhizome is the part of philosophical turning point, a shift in discourse of contemporary philosophy, with Deleuze considered as most important according to Foucault. Ontologically speaking, the choices are beyond binary and dualist; it is multiplicity. The openness to possibilites, attractions, influences and connection between these characterize the rhizome, as a complex map. Like a botanical rhizomatic system of roots with nodes, the concept of rhizome supports that there is no hierarchy, nor linearity, nor beginning nor end, it is always in a part of complex interrelated processes, often opposed to the tree system, where choices are linearly branched through linear ascension with clear cause as entry and consequence as exit.
The experience through this pavillion as a case study can be interestingly related to this concept of rhizome. The blurred limits of the building which statistic states are ephemeral, or rather constantly dynamically evolving based on its environmental influences. Once in this sensorial space, a visitor cannot visually and auditorily locate itself due to the dense myst and innumerable nozzles’ noise. Only the central system, as a third-eye can track the position of each individual. The smart raincoats, which respond in LED a color that corresponds to an affinity of one visitor to another based on a pre-input data from a questionnaire prior to the visit, can be related as a part of sensorial experience, as a social relationship. It is hence digitally mapped as a network of people, but also as one approaches another, there is social and psychological responses through attraction and repulsion between unpredictably approahing people meandering in a 3D space, resulting in a proliferation of senses, new encounters and further experiences. This evolving network of links and chains of reactive responses is clearly an analogy to the Internet, which reminds us of how the concept of rhizome is part of our life.
These ideas are right within our field of study. How does affinity between buildings and inhabitants, social context and existing environment within a micro context can impact its neighbourhood and building design? Mapping this relationship in a micro scale and macro scale to finally obtain a global tendency or evolution of city as a whole network can foster us architect in approaching better tools and assets to design a better builiding implementation within its context and multiple factors defining its area and the area within an urban area. It would be interesting to take advatage and full potential of digital tools to relate a new building design and its context, a node with its possible networks.
case study: Yokohama Terminal,FOA Architects/F.Moussavi,A. Zaera-Polo
Text:Parametricism-A new Global style for Architecture and Urban Design,Patrik Schumacher,London2008
over the past decades,Parametric have taken a very impotant role in design.In the past nature’s order was limited but today we can reveal the complex order of those apparently chaotic patterns by using tools.Parametric urbanism is the design system that the parameters of a determined object are declare rather than it’s form.Objects or configuration are generate simultaneously by attributing values to parameter or altering them
From the case study,Yokohanma Terminal started by declaring the site as an open space,The project want to reduce the linear structure of piers and make a directionality of the circulation ,the structure of the pier as a fluid.The form was generated from continue circulation not only itself but also continue to the city space,which has no ending point. Then transforms the lines of circulation diagram into a folded surfaced.The interior,exterior and various levels blend fluently.This structure appears less like an object on the water and more like an extension of the land behind it. The structures also designed for Japanese topology.
“Through this kind of experience, computer architecture cannot be realized without coordinating the original human skills and the power of computer. I think that what is important is how we can use the skill of human into the architecture and the new architecture can be created with the computer’s products on the skill of human.” Watanabe.
From my point of view,Human skill and computer skill have to develop in pararell.This is a rethinking of achitecture, The potential of parametric design is yet to be explored in detail although its technological requirements have been met for their effective case in the field of architectural design .But we should find the advantages and disadvantages more,adapt new techniques ,and try to solve the problems.However,It’s only a tools not a purpose.
After reading the text,I would like to know more about how parametric works and what’s the aesthetic moderation of design.Relation of parametric and other fields like Mathematics,Craft,and Nature life cycle which is not only form but also the process of growth and existence.Then develop and combine them together.Including produces work from that experiment to an object which conforms to users and context.