In this investigation we tried to learn D’arcy Thompson’s theory on growth and form and apply it to architecture. So we figure out that it could be a new approach in creating architecture not from divided parts but growth it like live organism. We also explored this dynamic processes through prism of Grasshopper tools. Here [...]
Tag Archives: topology
From Thomson’s theory of growth and forms to architectural transformation
Posted in Anusha Arunkumar, Marina Lazareva, Prawit Kittichanthira Also tagged architectural transformation, on growth and form Comments closed
T1 Watercube -Digital Logics-Critical Analyze T1 Thompson D. On growth and form-Readings
Posted in Marina Lazareva Also tagged natural geometry, Thomson D'arcy, transformation of shapes Comments closed
Digital Logics- On growth and form
Thompson wrote On Growth and form in the maturity of a career that lay somewhat outside the mainstream of the biological sciences of his day. His writings were a large contribution for the study of morphology. On Growth and FormĀ is essentially an attempt to establish a concept of organic form based upon the physical [...]
Posted in Ninada Bhaktavatsala Kashyap Also tagged 2014, beijing, maa01, ninada, on growth and form, thompson d'arcy, watercube Comments closed