GROUP 17 I 0.5mm Translucent Polypropylene & 4mm Aluminium



Clow Lamp

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Posted in Adhitya Rathinam, John Koshy, Nina Jotanovic | Comments closed

FINAL PRESENTATION GROUP 16 (Lamp: methacrylate + clay)

GROUP 16_01 GROUP 16_02 GROUP 16_03

Posted in Anusha Arunkumar, Edgar Navarrete Sanchez, Josep Alcover llubia, Raissa Paz Pertierra | Comments closed

Alucobond + Cork: work in progress


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Posted in Matteo Silverio, MohamadMahdi Najafi, Ran Shabtay, Saad saheen Delanthabettu Kanyana, Students | Comments closed

Plywood- Copper Lamp

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Posted in Maja Czesnik, Ninada Bhaktavatsala Kashyap, Pia Grobner, Taiesha Edwards, Uncategorized | Comments closed




Glowing Sphere                                                                                           ProcessPresentation1


Glowing Sphere

Glowing Sphere

Glowing Sphere

The Cast was made with foam board using milling machine. Teflon was sprayed so that liquid resin doesn’t stick to the the foam. Bamboo fibers are randomly kept inside the foam and the form was closed and resin was poured from a hole from the top.

Posted in Jayant Khanuja, Mehmet Yilmaz Akdogan, Neel Kaul | Comments closed