Category Archives: Students

The Crater

The main goal of the process was to study the Milling process and use the 54mm Ballmill to explore the different layers of the Valchromat panel by subtraction method.

By creating a pattern of curves in Rhino3D we used the curves as toolpath in RhinoCAM to simulate the process. The entire milling process took 40min.

Also posted in GONZALO MANUEL GARRIGA, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Inder Prakash Singh Shergill, Milling | Comments closed

Joints for eqilibrium

We part from the idea of recreating a structure that can move and stay in equilibrium as easily and as gracefully as a Calder Structure. These sculptures allow for a great deal of movement, and work perfectly in equilibrium, continuously stabilizing itself.

We devised a joint that allowed us to take the Calder system a bit further. Our new joint is able to hold as many as 18 rods at the same time.  It rotates elliptically and vertically, allowing the structure to “find” its own balance according to where the rods are placed and where you apply force of movement.

Also posted in 3d printing, Akhil Kapadia, Angel Fernando Lara Moreira, Faculty, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jinglu Zhu | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Contouring valchromat

The concept behind the project was to exploit the 3 layer property of the valchromat panel, as well as to understand the tools being given and achieve an effect using the tool to our advantage.  We wanted to do something which would take a lot of time to model in rhino but because of the rhinocam simulation would create a greater effect in a shorter time. We were inspired by the forms of layered rock and started analyzing how we could achieve a contoured layered effect whilst exposing the different coloured layers.

The modelling in rhino was done using the ‘heightfield from image command’. Some scaling and mirroring was required to fit in the model in the given constraints of 595 x 395 x 24 mm. The tool used was a 10mm diameter flat end tool. The stepover and offset controls were tweaked and played with in order for us to achieve the layered effect that we desired.

Considerations that we made for the material were that it might be fibrous and brittle inside so we were depending on the tool to be sharp and precise. This was not so and therefore our milled panel was a little hairy. We fixed this by finishing it with sandpaper. Read More »

Also posted in Akhil Kapadia, Angel Fernando Lara Moreira, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jinglu Zhu, Milling | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Caterpillar lamp

The idea of this assignment was to use paper with the techniques of cutting/folding using laser cutting technology to create a lamp that was unique in its form and exhibited an innovative use of the laser cutting machine. We used an origami technique to create a folding pattern that was flexible but at the same time had rigidity due to its triangular geometry. We added holes for light to seep through and create different effects. The paper used was reflective (silver) on one side and white on the other and the arrangement of the lamp was done in such a way that both sides could be seen. The method of joining the papers together was a system of legs and slits which can be seen in the drawing.

Also posted in Akhil Kapadia, Angel Fernando Lara Moreira, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jinglu Zhu, Laser cutting | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

DIGITAL FABRICATION ::: EXERCISE 2 – Valchromat milling ::: GROUP 19

Inspired by Sand dunes formation and its patterns.

Horizontal Roughing was important to be done prior to the 3-axis Projection Pocketing in order to save time.
The whole process in total took 1 hour.

3D milling – Process consisted of two phases:

First phase:
horizontal roughing
Tool: BallMill 26mm in diameter
Dimensions of the board: 600 by 400mm
Boards of 8mm thickness
Time taken: 9 min.

Second phase:
Projection Pocketing following a rectangular path
Tool: Ballmill 12mm in diameter
Global parameters intol: 0 , outtol: 0.4,
% Tool Diameter: 25 %
Time taken: 48 minutes

Rhino file: steps of formation

Horizontal roughing

Also posted in HUNIA TOMOUM, IC.1 Digital Fabrication, Jayanthimala Thangarajan Gokulrajkailash, Milling, Uncategorized, YA-PING CHEN | Comments closed