Tag Archives: grasshopper
Metro Jumps
Tracking ME in Barcelona
Our movements can tell a story of how we live in a city. This is my story from the last week living and moving in Barcelona. 1974 trackingpoint tracked in 3 days of living in Barcelona. The columns in orange shows different kind of speed during the transport through the city. The speed is vizualized in the height [...]
The Happy Planet Index (HPI) introduced by the New Economic Foundation (NEF) ranks 151 countries across the globe on the basis of how many long, happy and sustainable lives they provide for the people that live in them per unit of environmental output. Put another way, it represents the efficiency with which countries convert the Earth’s finite resources [...]
Semestral Index of European Minimun Wages
Alcohol + Drugs = Happiness?
There are many indicators of happiness for each country. Weather, food, cultures, festival, religions, health etc. are the first of what I can come up with. But lifestyle also plays a huge part in happiness, party, drinking and smoking are undeniably featuring in this equation. Have a look at the happiest and unhappiest country in [...]