Category Archives: Ji Won Jun

Ji Won Jun

Relational Logics _ Atmospherical Relations

In the text of Mark Wigley it was written that the situationist architect has to exploit existing decors and décor is seen to induce dreams like a drug. This can be seen in the construction of the Sagrada, Gaudi focused on whimsical decorations to give life to the structure. Guy Debord and the situationists had a vision of the radical potential of atmosphere, this goes to show the ability of architects to manipulate the atmosphere in order to induce the senses. Not only are our physical senses altered by this, but also social, cultural and emotional aspects are taken into account. This can be taken a step further by using digital and media tools to change the atmosphere of a place.
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Digital Logics | T3



Blur Bluilding by Diller, Scofidio and Renfro for Swiss Expo 2002

This pavillion is an analogy to a cloud, with its uncertain and unpredictable boundaries. Solely made of its light tensegrity structure hidden by the fine water particles that floats in the air to create a fog mass through thousands of nozzles that project the water pumped from the lake on which the buildings sits on, or rather seems to be floating on. The water nozzles control its intensity through pressure and amount of water, regulated on a base of micro local weather state using digital sensors, either it is the wind strength or direction, temperature, air pressure, etc. to ensure the permanent yet ephemeral presence of the building as described.

Concept of rhizome by Deleuze and Guattari in the text “A Thousand Plateaus”
First, the concept of rhizome is the part of philosophical turning point, a shift in discourse of contemporary philosophy, with Deleuze considered as most important according to Foucault. Ontologically speaking, the choices are beyond binary and dualist; it is multiplicity. The openness to possibilites, attractions, influences and connection between these characterize the rhizome, as a complex map. Like a botanical rhizomatic system of roots with nodes, the concept of rhizome supports that there is no hierarchy, nor linearity, nor beginning nor end, it is always in a part of complex interrelated processes, often opposed to the tree system, where choices are linearly branched through linear ascension with clear cause as entry and consequence as exit.

The experience through this pavillion as a case study can be interestingly related to this concept of rhizome. The blurred limits of the building which statistic states are ephemeral, or rather constantly dynamically evolving based on its environmental influences. Once in this sensorial space, a visitor cannot visually and auditorily locate itself due to the dense myst and innumerable nozzles’ noise. Only the central system, as a third-eye can track the position of each individual. The smart raincoats, which respond in LED a color that corresponds to an affinity of one visitor to another based on a pre-input data from a questionnaire prior to the visit, can be related as a part of sensorial experience, as a social relationship. It is hence digitally mapped as a network of people, but also as one approaches another, there is social and psychological responses through attraction and repulsion between unpredictably approahing people meandering in a 3D space, resulting in a proliferation of senses, new encounters and further experiences. This evolving network of links and chains of reactive responses is clearly an analogy to the Internet, which reminds us of how the concept of rhizome is part of our life.


These ideas are right within our field of study. How does affinity between buildings and inhabitants, social context and existing environment within a micro context can impact its neighbourhood and building design? Mapping this relationship in a micro scale and macro scale to finally obtain a global tendency or evolution of city as a whole network can foster us architect in approaching better tools and assets to design a better builiding implementation within its context and multiple factors defining its area and the area within an urban area. It would be interesting to take advatage and full potential of digital tools to relate a new building design and its context, a node with its possible networks.


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Relational Logics | T3


The main idea of the View House by Diego Arraigada & Johnston Marklee is clearly the views. They are framed vistas of the surrounding environment, they are projected on the building, with selected visual connections along its continuous façade that wraps the house, which concentric position has carefully chosen to control the view and the privacy using proximity and visual directions. The volumes of the cylindrical shape are substracted in a way to create an exterior skin that fluidly follows the openings, to simultaneously add metaphorical emphasis on the frames of views; a clear analogy between geometry and views. This idea can also be linked to atmospherical relation for its bare and pure architectural language visually trying to interact with nature around it. Moreover, through its geometric manipulations, the considerations in other relational logics are observable. The choreography of internal spiral sequence can be narrated from the outside appearance, an observable correlation between the internal flow and the architectural design. It also leads to the environmental aspect where the internal air flow and natural light intake are considrered as well as the volumetric substractions are helping in reduction of the ground footprint and of the internal air volume for energy reduction matters, where form and function meets.

In the critical reading, Mark Wigley’s essay “The Architecture of Atmosphere” explains in multiple manners how the control over atmosphere and its representation in architecture have generally resulted in struggle, in a way; illusional due to its intangibility and individualized responses. Atmosphere cannot indeed be measured, definitely a subjective sensation and personal experience of a built space. Nonetheless, some people can feel the same way and if this can be considered phenomenorological, where experience and consciousness can be meticulously studied and structured into informations, it may lead to some sort of measure and control over users reaction and, perhaps in new future, predict how people live the capture of the atmosphere through control over specified architecture.
In an era where architecture, nature and digital coexists, the complexity of the relationship between these elements demands for a structural rules to govern it. I believe in using these Relational Logics, for the potential of advanced architecture is expanded and more efficiently rendered through them as fundamental communication tools and patterns. They are systematized and interrelated entities that help architecture foster and advance rationally and methodically.

As for my topic of research, my interest lay on the true potential of this relationship: how can we further explore architecture by extracting the essence each from architectural experience, nature/environment conditions and inspiration, and digital exploration/fabrication; how can each of them interrelated with each other will yield to another dimension in architectural design. Performing along with these evolving techniques and expanding technologies, exploring geometries and new typologies that nature can teach or environment direct our way of making architecture, the multiplication of these fields results in exponential products and possibilities. Orchestrating all these elements with given time and the incoming knowledge, I would really like to put hands on research that would carefully balance out the emerging digital field and tools combined with the current architectural methods, for a rational transitional implementation and sustainable application.

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