The Unemployment Rate by Gender in St Adria de Besos



The location of the investigation area is Sant Adria de Besos. In order to analyse the users of the site for a facade design for the river el Besos, I have chosen to investigate the registered unemployment rate of the residents living in the area.


Data Mining

I have combined the data of registered unemployment and population of the area in Excel:

data source2


Data Visualization

Managing data on Grasshopper:


Putting data on graphs with labels:



  1. “Població per sexe Metodologia Sant Adrià de Besòs. Sèrie temporal,” Idescat, accessed February 9, 2014.
  2. “Atur registrat. Per sexe i edat Metodologia Sant Adrià de Besòs. Any 2012,” Idescat, accessed February 9, 2014.


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