It is nowdays possible to track your own everyday movements through GPS technologies. This can be used to improve the efficiency of your transportation, saving you precious time. It is possible to compare several means of transport and perhaps, choose the ones that are healthier such as walking, bicycles, skate board, roller skaters, etc. This mean it is possible to turn your transportation into your own everyday gym, saving you even more time!
Tracking App used: My Tracks, Android. This App tracks your movement and saves it as a KMZ file, which we turned to XML file to use it in Grasshopper.
For this assignment, we decided to track our movement form our apartment to IAAC using three means of transportation: walking, long board and bicycle. The tracking was done between the corner of Napols and Pujades, to IAAC entrance in Pujades 102, Barcelona-Spain.
The distance between the apartment and IAAC is about 1km.

Image from Google Maps Direction: A- Carrer de Nàpols, 9-11, Barcelona
B- Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Carrer de Pujades, Barcelona