Author Archives: rashasukkarieh

A.3 Retrofitting of Iaac Roof

Iaac’s roof top is currently not used and infact is a source of heat-island effect as there are no measure taken to use the roof as a terrace/ garden or as a source to generate energy. One of the projects proposed was bcn URBAN TERRACES 2012, yet it was a temoporaty project. After research about [...]

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A.2 Self Tracking

 Using the GPX file downloaded from the Open GPS tracker, the track of my movement is visualized through grasshopper definition (size and color of bubbles assigned to stops and speed respectively)

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A.1 Barcelona Case Study

 63.9% was the employment rate in Barcelona for the year 2013, 8% higher than that of Spain. More than half of the job opportunities are knowledge intensive, and the city is a hub for these jobs in Catalonia. Is there a link between the higher education employment and the specific districts of Barcelona?

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