There are many indicators of happiness for each country. Weather, food, cultures, festival, religions, health etc. are the first of what I can come up with. But lifestyle also plays a huge part in happiness, party, drinking and smoking are undeniably featuring in this equation. Have a look at the happiest and unhappiest country in [...]
Tag Archives: Designing Associativity
Alcohol + Drugs = Happiness?
Posted in Pongtida Santayanon, Uncategorized Also tagged alcohol, data, drugs, Europe, grasshopper, happiness, mapping, mapping data, Rhino, visualizing data Comments closed
World Literacy Rate graphic
The Statistics are to show the variation in the Literacy rate of all the countries over the world. The height and radius of the cylinders varies on the variation in the percentage of the literacy.
Foreign Nationals/ Household
Our investigation focuses on tourism, specifically on the positive and negative effects it has in Barcelona. Therefore, as a matter of this topic, we have had to study the foreign nationals that have settled in the city; being the top majority Pakistan, Chinese and Italian. With the data used for this assignment, we can now [...]