Category Archives: Georgios Soutos
Laser Cutting – Group 9
Group 1_Bricks
The assignment consists in developing milling techniques that would affect the molds for the brick, through “RhinoCAM” plug-in.
The group tried most of the tools and finally, developed the following strategies: 1. Horizontal roughing, for all. 2. Two parallel finishings, at the direction of 45 and 135 degrees. 3. Finally, parallel finishing for the plane parts of the molds.
The final molds have the texture of positive points, that after being casted, print themselves as voids, creating the texture of fabric.
Because of the group being the first one of the batch, the mold given by us, was the curviest.
Therefore, during the casting process, two bricks would come off broken of the molds.
After experimenting with gauze, which resulted evident in the final texture of one brick, the group discovered that what needed to be adjusted was the technique for taking the bricks out of the molds.
Group 1: Georgios Soutos, Miguel Landinez and Gabriela Gonzales Faria
Group 1_Brick competition
The group developed a proposal that was similar to the eggs carton object.
It was developed trough the “Polyhedra” plug-in for Rhino, and then simplified in order to solve the joinery of the pieces. Originally, the idea was to create one brick per mold.
The location proposed, was the area between the IAAC’s lecture space and the Fab Lab working area, in order to create a facade for the Fab Lab (“amuse bouche” concept) and to divide virtually both spaces.
The material proposed was paper pulp, which is a simply and well-known technique of work. Since considerable amount of material was wasted in the previous exercise, we proposed to create a sustainable cycle for the production of the bricks.
Group 1: Georgios Soutos, Miguel Landinez and Gabriela Gonzales Faria