Monthly Archives: December 2013

Architecture & Happiness

 image source : It is very tempting to seduce ourselves, as architects or as anybody keen on architecture or otherwise involved in the design process that the answer to our problems lies with buildings. Do you actually believe you can separate buildings out from the infrastructure of cities and mobility of transit and the expectations [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Joshua Ranjit Pio John | Comments closed

Invisible reality

I might say in this way, without human being, where the shelter is. The special space is turning up because human need it for the kind of weather conditions. Therefore, to mu mind, I can not totally separate from the that infrastructure of cities and mobility of transit. As an architect, I still believe that [...]

Posted in Chung Kai Hsieh | Tagged | Comments closed


Economics of Sustainability. picture source: ( The great game of life; it is true that this endless war between brain and heart will continue intrigue every human in every aspect of life. This behavior is naturally inside every individual of human being. There are some rational between two that can be connect and be pursue together. And [...]

Posted in Chirana Lemuel Sumendap, Economics of Sustainability | Comments closed

Prfect Equilibrium

A building cannot be projected without a judicious preliminary analysis of environmental, social and economical impacts the project will cause on the region it will be inserted. Cities are complex organisms, and an architectonic project may lead to great transformations in determined areas. This must be taken into consideration. By inserting a building into a [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Renata de Castro Lotto | Comments closed


Why is good design important? Good-quality places must not be seen as a luxury but a necessity. Good design has the power to change and improve people’s quality of life. Well-designed streets, public gardens, homes, workplaces, schools and any other public buildings will have a positive impact on our lives and our communities. Good design [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Karl Francalanza | Comments closed