Category Archives: Trinidad de los Angeles Gomez Machuca

Economics of Sustainability: Architecture & Happiness.


The early development of the Barcelona city

Architecture & Happiness.

Gonzalo Delacámara.

By Trinidad de los Ángeles Gómez Machuca


  • Why do people tend to believe that what is financially profitable (for developers) is not actually equivalent to economically feasible (positive impacts on social welfare)? How would you show that this does not necessarily have to be like this (but rather the opposite)?


The level of consumption of a culture it’s visible from the perspective of their cities, it is a fact that the activities of the people is reflected in the development of the infrastructure, if there is a place where society is very involved with the internal combustion mobility, the result will be an urban design for vehicles, not for pedestrians; this will lead to an specify use of land instead of mixed use, which will be reflected in an non sustainable economy because all the benefits will be for only one portion of the entire system.




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