Monthly Archives: December 2013

Invisible Cities

It is very tempting to seduce ourselves, as architects or as anybody keen on architecture or otherwise involved in the design process that the answer to our problems lies with buildings. Do you actually believe you can separate buildings out from the infrastructure of cities and mobility of transit and the expectations and incentives of [...]

Posted in Giombattista Areddia | Comments closed


Can we imagine buildings absolutely separated from their environment and never integrated with it? Buildings, roads and people – are not separable. We can not talk about modern city imagine only buildings, or only roads. Cities were developing simultaneously with knowledge and needs of people. And as we know, needs of people changes as soon [...]

Posted in Sviatlana Matushko, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Posted in Maria Agnieszka Czajczynska , Uncategorized | Comments closed

A Fight with the History

  The concept of sustainability today is really challenged , an item or concept that we as an architects or engineers have to keep in mind for future projects, the meaning of the Sustainability in ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Luis Leon Lopez | Comments closed

Supply – Demand and The Bubble Bursts

Buildings -the infrastructure of the city -the expectations and incentives of the people are three interrelated things and the change in one of them has always effected the other two elements in relation to it. Buildings play a big role in shaping the infrastructure of a city and that directly effects the expectations and the [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Sahil Sharma | Comments closed