Architecture is one of the numerous creative fields goals of which have evolved drastically with the passing of the time. An architect used to be a professional that understood the properties of physical objects in such a way that he was capable of putting them together to create a shelter appropriate for comfortable living. Economic [...]
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Holding back is also a part of progress
Economics For The World With Limits
Sustainability is a long run, people-centered concept. There have been many attempts to define sustainability, but most aret rooted in the general concept of intergenerational equity. Sustainable development, as used in this paper, means meeting the needs and wants of people of the current generation while leaving equal or better opportunities for people [...]
Humanity, Order, and Balance
“Within each of us is the ability to distinguish music from noise, poetry from drivel. In art we sense the presence of an order that is linked to the soul of man. The human eye and thus the soul is able to discern sensitivity and thoughtfulness in a work. It is when those substantial traces [...]
Economics of Sustainability: Architecture & Happiness.
The early development of the Barcelona city Architecture & Happiness. Gonzalo Delacámara. By Trinidad de los Ángeles Gómez Machuca Why do people tend to believe that what is financially profitable (for developers) is not actually equivalent to economically feasible (positive impacts on social welfare)? How would you show that this does not necessarily have [...]
Public realm as the city welfare, Johannesburg, Case Study
In 1964 Nelson Mandela was put in prison after following the idea of fighting for equality in all means. His idea of equality and forgiveness was his main leitmotiv but their economic expectations were composed around a plan that included a lot of work to do. His “economic dream” was based on the “Freedom Chárter”, [...]