Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Economy the Swarm Built

The model of contemporary economics is at a crossroads between the neoclassicist knowledge-based optimization, and the adaptation of more flexible structures under a model of  ’evolutionary development’ which is aligned with looking at emerging macroeconomic behavior patterns and the embracing of new technologies.  Knowledge-based economic strategy follows a rule of constrained optimization which, although providing [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Robert Douglas McKaye | Comments closed

Design controlled by finance

As society evolves due to technology and ever changing trends, so does architecture. Buildings today must not only be able to meet the needs of society but also have a responsibility to contribute to a better urban life. This ‘contribution’ may occur through the creation of a sustainable environment. It is therefore the architect’s responsibility [...]

Posted in Natalie Alima | Comments closed

Vision creating value

The Employee There is an invisible ghost in economic values, wich you cannot experience every second but in the end you feel its impacts somehow. Cannot see it because it in the 4th dimension: “TIME”. It makes you magically save money, or evaporates money. You get your salary, the beginning of the month you see [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Ismail Gokhan Catikkas | Tagged , , | Comments closed

The Architecture of Happiness

image: Balancing Barn, Suffolk-Mole Architects The Architecture of Happiness because of a great phrase I found in the work of the French 19th century writer Stendhal. He writes: ‘When we see a place and call it beautiful, really what we mean is that we can imagine being happy there’. This sums up for me very [...]

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments closed

A Scenario to think upon !!

Having a 2 years experience in practical field of architecture in India, the academic knowledge we share during our 5 years bachelors is completely different from that we come across in our working style, its not about technical aspects of the architecture but the approach to the project. As in our bachelors course of architecture [...]

Posted in Aditya Kadabi, Economics of Sustainability | Comments closed