Monthly Archives: December 2013

Architecture & Happiness

I have always defined architecture as a problem solving method. Every building is a task that needs to be solved. The design process is the integration of all the elements that could affect the building into one outcome. Many times some of these elements prevail over others that must be sacrificed, but the architect’s role [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Maureen Eunice Estrella Lora | Comments closed

No building is an island.

image source An intelligent building doesn’t end at its’ walls that are surrounding it. It inevitably extends in every direction, visually, ecologically, and sociologically. It is the way in which it interacts and be affected by its own surroundings –its externalities– that make it smarter.

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Meral Ece Tankal | Comments closed

In theory or practice.

There is a conflict and there always will be with design process when it comes to devolving cities. It is a huge area where almost everything relevant to living, with basic needs and sources have to be taken into consideration. In my opinion if a problem or an event is initiated without giving much thought [...]

Posted in Dhwani Samir Patel, Economics of Sustainability | Comments closed

The Politics of sustainable architecture

It is easy to see the solution in all of our problems within buildings, but to call it the only solution would be ignorant. This perspective is black and white in the sense that a city needs buildings to create negative space, which in other words is infrastructure. Within This negative space there are a [...]

Posted in Economics of Sustainability, Irina Shaklova | Comments closed

Do you believe in a Utopic world? Yes, I do

  “Utopia” Courtesy of:   Do you actually believe you can separate buildings out from the infrastructure of cities and mobility of transit and the expectations and incentives of people? Why do people tend to believe that what is financially profitable (for developers) is not actually equivalent to economically feasible (positive impacts on social [...]

Posted in Ricardo Perez Borbolla | Tagged | Comments closed