Pyramid of Textures




The design of the tiles evolves from the decomposition of the hexagon shape. Starting from the outside, each side of the shape would rotate and reduce its scale approximating the centre. As it moves inwards towards the midpoint, each resulting triangle would also be positioned a step higher. The end result would be similar to a pyramid.

We wanted to experiment with different textures. For this we used two different strategies and tools to create the mold in the milling machine. Starting with a parallel strategy with a Ballmilll 6 in the whole mold, we then sectioned the mold in 3 stretched triangles and applied the radial strategy with a ball mill 12 tool over these areas. On these specific zones, both textures overlap, resulting in a contrasted pattern. The richness of the pattern is this combination of textures that accentuates the stair effect of the geometry.
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