Category Archives: Renata de Castro Lotto

Pre-Columbian Tile


 We started looking for inspirational graphics that allowed us to generate a pattern according to the constraints.

A design based on abstract diagrams and Pre-Columbian mythological animals is our model to explore and create that unknown connection between multiple tiles, as in tile Dali, our example as a starting point.




Having a mosaic depicting a suggestive shape, but the uncertainty of what the shape is going to be after the accommodation of the tiles is a mental-unexpected game product of the positioning and abstraction.


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2013-11-28|Barcelona|352013-11-29|Barcelona|20Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 3.14.40 PMDSC_6875rompecabezas precolombinosPrecolombien3Renata de Castro | Asif Rahman | Gustavo Triana


Also posted in Asif Rahman, Gustavo Adolfo Triana Martinez, Uncategorized | Comments closed

The Disk

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Our line of thought was to design a joint, which had the ability to move within itself and control the motion of the resultant structure and not just provide the structural support. The exploration trials were of the various possibilities in which the motion of the joint was the result of the structure to be designed and not the structure as the resultant of the joint.

In the final design, the bending properties of the pipe were used in the form of a circle that gives the circular form to the entire structure. The 3D printing technology gave us the chance to explore Joints which could result in dynamic changes in the form of the structure.

A flat disk opening out into a complete cylindrical structure.

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Also posted in Hriday Siddarth Saini, Trinidad de los Angeles Gomez Machuca, Uncategorized | Comments closed


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