The third exercise was to design a hexagonal cement tile that reflects on Barcelona’s history of walkways and house tiling patterns. The main concept for the design was to refer circles to actual rain drops that are falling on the surface; randomness and differentiation in sizes represent the ‘spread’ of rain fall.
Category Archives: Shweta Das
The goal of the 3d printing exercise was to create a dynamic assembly of plastic rods that will be connected with each other using a 3d printed component. The resulting structure should take advantage of the properties of the materials and use that to create movement and interaction.
Also posted in Rodolfo Parolin Hardy, Ruxandra Iancu Bratosin Comments closed
The current trend in Architecture is to create light weight but stable structures of large heights with limited resources.
“The idea oscillates between stability and minimalism”
The project began with the investigation of the various types of possibilities in wooden joineries. It was amusing to discover the potential of 3mm thick plywood and the innumerable permutations possible, aided by a laser machine.
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Also posted in Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Daniel Ricardo Giraldo Rivera Tagged Advanced Architecture, Alejandro Garcia - Daniel Giraldo - Shweta Das, digital fabrication, Group24, iaac, Mantiz Comments closed