30ha site. design sketches

Next Round…

using these initial sketch diagrams and rules – we have taken a more precise subject to drive the project design. Maintaining the programmatic relationships in our initial investigations, we have decided to use use 3 key factors to drive the layout/ design. Hydrology (collection, filtration, retention, and re-use) Mobility, Programmatic Diversity. Together they are moulded together with a inverted topography where citizens can easily move through the neighbourhood, and building typologies incorporating multiple ground planes.

Hydrological System: Using artificial wetlands, solar aquatic biofiltration greenhouses, rainwater harvesting, green roofs, and reed beds to create an ”ecosystem” that embodies the idea of  collection, filtration, retention, and re-use.

Guidelines: 2nd round for the outline of the design guidelines. Emphasis in optimizing the hydrological system and integrating it with the urban morphology

Density/ Zoning: Percentages of site to be used for the various functions (cultivated, built, natural)

Plans: Using the guidelines, a series of plans were generated to understand the diverse schemes possible for the site.

Plan: General layout of the plan we are planning to use to for the site. Taken from the series of options outlined above

Early sketch perspective: Adding all the ecological systems and basic geometry, we generated a perspective viewed from a wetland park

Early sketch perspective: After generating the sketch image – is this what we want? is this our goal? Image used a basis to critique and reconsider our own objectives for the urban scheme

Geometric Study: Going down in scale, we are investigating the idea of inverted topography and how it can help us layout a more dynamic design that incorporates the issues of mobility, programmatic diversity and ecology all in one.

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