30ha Site. trial/error

We took the initial diagrams and looked into the processes of turning that information to guide our design process. We decided that no “one” plan should be designed, yet the concentration should be at setting up a series of guidelines (bylaws) that would incorporate all the data information, programmatic relationships, zoning, densities, ecological functions, and systems to optimize energy efficiency.
A few sketch diagrams to improvise on the ideas…very quickly we realized that they needed to be reviewed and refined…

guideline table – one column concentrating on site coverage, the other on programmatic relationships (maximum distances between programs, densities, mobility)

Plan with the layers of the city.
The plan was divided into four sections (one area for harvesting, orchards, recreation and a forested area) with a building density varying in each. A spinal circulation path connection the various sections and central nodal point for the neighbourhood activity centre.

We chose to use slopped site where we can explore how the topography can further enhance how programs, functions, and systems are connected.
This section shows the layering of functions/ programs.
Next Round…
using these initial sketch diagrams and rules – we have taken a more precise subject to drive the project design. Maintaining the programmatic relationships in our initial investigations, we have decided to use use 3 key factors to drive the layout/ design. Hydrology (collection, filtration, retention, and re-use) Mobility, Programmatic Diversity. Together they are moulded together with a inverted topography where citizens can easily move through the neighbourhood, and building typologies incorporating multiple ground planes.

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