IaaC Summer School – 1:1 Construction Phase

Parametric Model

The rancho digital is being constructed now in the Fab Lab. Each team is producing one to one prototypes of the different parts of the habitable space, 12 sqmt made out of the scraps from the Fab Lab House project. Ceiling, Structure, Enclosure, Ground Floor, Formwork…all parts are becoming toghether in one prototype. The Informalism Agenda is a research project that brings together the low tech and the high tech, the architecture from the barrio with the advanced architecture, the auto-fabrication with the personal fabrication at Fab Labs. Next August 11th will be the official presentation of the Rancho Digital.

More at: http://www.fablabbcn.org/informalism

Team Work

The rancho digital is being constructed now in the Fab Lab. Each team is producing one to one prototypes of the different parts of the habitable space, 12 sqmt made out of the scraps from the Fab Lab House project. Ceiling, Structure, Enclosure, Ground Floor, Formwork…all parts are becoming toghether in one prototype. The Informalism Agenda is a research project that brings together the low tech and the high tech, the architecture from the barrio with the advanced architecture, the auto-fabrication with the personal fabrication at Fab Labs. Next August 11th will be the official presentation of the Rancho Digital.

More at: http://www.fablabbcn.org/informalism

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