MULTIPLE RESULTS Or the exuberant world of possibilities
In the current paradigm of architectural design, scripting and parametric control,
the idea of multiplicity takes a new momentum. Operating within this
paradigm architects claim total control over their process-based designs, they
claim total control over their creative material. A bigger importance is given
to the projects “solution” rather than to the resulting formal structure. No
wonder, since its fascinating to visualise the implicit multiplicity of forms and
structures within the ranges of diff erent parameters.
This exuberance of formal output opens up a world of possibilities that the
studio wants to tab.We are interested in producing multiple versions of single
result. We want to produce a series of a fi nal version, that is, a territory of possibilities.
As architects we have to develop instruments to gain the suffi cient ability
and insight as where to know when a process-based design is to be
declared fi nished. But creating an instrumental layer of information to inform
the process end is not enough. Let others choose, let the client, or
the Jury, decide wich is the fi nal version. We want to suspend the fi nal
decision making.
The studio wants to explore a simple strategy: our result will not be an
individual, but a series of variations of the same individual.
Team: Jordi Pagès i Ramon and Lluis Viu