Julian Vincent Sessions and Lecture – “Influences of biology on architecture”

Julian Vincent, was a guest tutor for the Theory seminar class of the MAA the past days. Julian during his lectures clarified the projects that are concider to be biomimicry projects opposing to the ones that are just myths. Julian highlighted the significant role of hierarchy in the systems of construction as it appears in nature. Technology solves a problem quite differently than biology having as an attribute of being able to act in much shorter period of time.

Julian Vincent is a biologist. At the University of Reading he studied the mechanical properties of plants and animals. He then moved to the University of Bath where he became a Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering, transferring functions from biology to engineering. He is Scientific Advisor to Swedish Biomimetics 3000, an independent company, and consults on biological inspiration for architectural design. Biology suggests both form and function. Form is attractive but can be expensive. Function can offer both lower cost and better design.

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