MAA_Introductory Studio

The MAA students started working in groups for the introductory studio class. The  studio ¨Barcelona Superblocks Many Slow Cities into a Smart City¨ focuses on the city of Barcelona and the challenges that it faces in terms of information, sustainability, ecology,fabrication.The students are working  on ideas of inclusive urban experience towards models  of coexistence,  of  the above disciplines, that could eventually create flexible and adaptive networks.

The tutors of the class :

Areti Markopoulou(MAA Director), Salvador Rueda (Director – Agencia Ecologia Urbana) and Tomas Diez (FabLab Barcelona Manager), with the assistance of Ioanna Spanou (Landscape Architect,GIS Expert) and Tomas Vivanco (Architect,Ecotect Expert)

During the Introduction of the class the students performed different groups and were assigned to work on different  ¨Super Blocks¨ which they already started exploring and getting the fist results out of their research.

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