Fab Academy Barcelona 2012 mid term sessions

The Fab Lab Barcelona is one of the super-nodes of the Fab Academy program worldwide, which supervises the mechanisms, implications and applications of digital fabrication. The Fab Academy is a modular course offered by the Fab Lab Network, with the participation of 19 labs (Amsterdam, Nairobi, Providence, Lima, Jeddah, among others) and more than 70 students. Final projects will be presented on May 30th through the videoconference system.

Fab Academy Barcelona holds 9 students from different disciplines:
architecture, industrial design, product design; and this year holds 4 candidates to be part of the Fab City project in Barcelona.

To find more about the Fab Academy, please visit:

- Fab Academy website: http://www.fabacademy.org
- Fab Academy class pages: http://academy.cba.mit.edu
- Fab Lab Worldwide: http://fab.cba.mit.edu

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