John Palmesino (Territorial Agency) – Lecture /Students Session

John Palmesino presented yesterday the work that it is devel0ped at the Territorial Agency, founded by him and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog. Based on theoretical background John talked about urban scale by following a rather historical path of territorial approaches, as they were thought, formed or changed by community creation and later on by city inhabitation. John also explained projects and proposals based on physical phenomena and how those could form part of architectural solutions and vice versa.

Territorial Agency is an independent organisation that combines architecture, analysis, advocacy and action for integrated spatial transformation of contemporary territories. Together they run Diploma Unit 4 at the Architectural Association in London investigating The Coast of Europe.

John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog participated in a session of RS1 Emergent Territories studio session and discussed with the students on their ideas and projects as they are being developed at the moment.

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