MAA 2011-2012: Graduation Ceremony

One more edition of the Master in Advanced Architecture MAA 2011-12 has come to its end. IAAC with pride celebrated with the MAA students, their effort and the hard work that they conducted during this year, with a graduation ceremony to remember!

50 Students from 30 different countries, together as one team, and each one individually,  received their MAA degrees. Directors and students speeches filled the atmosphere with emotions and excitement.

Students during the MAA have developed research projects within the IAAC multiscalar strategy, from bits to geography.Rethink public space, insert information and real time data in urban complex contexts, design self sufficient buildings and urban blocks in different Barcelona neighborhoods, automated produce and experiment additive manufacturing processes in construction based on material properties where some of the main research projects developed during the MAA 2011-12 academic year.

During Graduation Ceremony 5 Awards were given to  4 winning projects in 4 categories and 1 Award was given to the most active student in the IAAC community.

Awards were given by:

Joan Majo, Commissioner for the Continuous Education Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
Vicente Guallart, Chief Architect, Barcelona City Council
Jordi Bolumar , La Caixa  – Director of Barcelona Institutions
Eduard Domingo, Director of New Constructions – Catalonia and Balearic Islands-  Endesa Energy
Oscar Aceves , TFM – Manager

The Awards were:

- Special IAAC Award to the MAA student Gabriel Bello Diaz (USA).

The award was given to the student with continuous initiatives and suggestions, the one with great interest for the IAAC  community inside and outside IAAC, with ideas and an amazing non stop energy!

- Barcelona Innovation Award to the project CompleXity, developed by Alexandre Dubor (France), Petr Novikov (Russia), Giorgio Badalacchi (Colombia), Jianhong Wu (China)

The award was given to the Project that understood Smart city through the citizen, conceived slow city as an opportunity to allow users to be more in sync with  their environment, to the Project that uses information and open data for the production of sustainable urban designs

- Urban Interaction Award to the project:  PORTHACKER developed by Minu Surana (India), Emily Santos (Brazil)and Anna Popova (Russia)
The award was given to the project that promotes simple and low cost ideas with radical effects in the urban environment, a Project for maximum optimization on the use and activities of urban space based on citizens participation

-Smart Energy Award to the project : M.DUSSE, developed by  Gonzalo Garriga (Argentina), Gyorgy Bukosdi (hungary),Golrokh Shahbaz (Iran)

The award was given to the project that is based on energy generation through material experimentation implemented in buildings structure. A responsive to the environment proposal merging physical properties with built architecture.

-Structural Advances Award to the project: PET FLAKES, developed by Theodore Grousopoulos (Greece) Christiana Vlanti (Greece), Pavlos Bakagiannis (Greece) and Akram Ahmed (Sudan)

The award was given to the Project experimenting architectural processes that comply with and adapt to the occurred environmental needs, a Project proposing new ways of building recycled and recyclable structures.

Graduation event closed with the announcement of the 10 participants of the MAA02 (2 year Master program) that will be developing innovative Thesis Projects during the 2012-13 academic year.

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