RS1 Studio in Japan Vs. RS3 Studio in Holland & Belgium

RS1 participants fly to Japan to experience Japanese Architecture and the City, to follow up with Tokyo´s Urban development and it´s interdisciplinary plan, an urban setting that allows  different economic activities to grow, as one of the 3 ¨command centers¨ of the world.

The Rs2 MAA students are to experience the diversities of this country by visiting different cities as they are visible in the map below.

RS1 In front of  Herzog & de Meuron PRADA store  in Tokyo.

RS1 – Emergent Territories studio checks in Tokyo -Japan !

Yesterday RS1 checked in Omotesando and visited Dior by SANAA (@ Dior Omotesando Building).

RS3 participants fly to Holland to visit and learn by first hand the ¨ technology´s secrets¨ and experience the word of additive design and not only. Many laboratories are to be visited and many new ideas are to be generated for the further development of the students projects. At the same time RS3 follow up the diversity that one could find in a road trip from Amsterdam, Eindhoven,  Brussels, Utrecht, Groningen to Rotterdam, while ¨meeting¨ buildings of Great Architects on their way.

RS3 – Digital Tectonics checking in at :  At Ai Weiwei exibition in De Pont Museum, Tilburg

RS3 students checking out weaving machines in Tilburgs Textilemuseums’ Lab, a playground for experimentation and showcasing.

Research Trip Battles have been Launched during last academic year that the MAA research trips were divided by studio. The winner is the one that “Checked-in” to more locations with the application that uses GPS tracking and it records ones travel. It functions as a real life game and it awards points to check-ins. Apart from the check-in´s, photographic material is awarded in an exhibition that takes place after all research trips have been completed.

RS1 are ¨Big in Japan¨ and RS3 are ¨Large in Europe¨ ! Follow the 7 days, 1st round Battle between the RS1(Emergent Territories studio) and RS3 (Digital Tectonics Studio) research trips. Next round will be between the winner of the 1st round and the RS2 (Self Sufficient Buildings studio) research trip in New York and Boston (To take place in 11th of April 2012) .

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