The First day of the seminar workshop Matter, Materiality and material system started. The Tutor Claudia Pasquero (Director Ecologic studio) with the assistance of Andrea Bugli (Ecologic studio) had their introductory session were they explained with details the objectives of the workshop to the MAA students. The workshop operates as a machinic protocol for the synthesis of the PALACE whose ”rooms” coagulate from raw materials, organizational principles, individual experience as well as group coordination, all in real- time. The construction process runs as a cultivation experiment, rigorously in 1:1, from digital diagrams to prototyping and installation. Loop after loop the protocol  will unfold non-stop in a marathon lasting 3 days and involving 5 groups of 6-7 students each, working in shifts for a total of 891 man*hours of cultivation. Relentless manufacturing, layering, testing, playing, discussing [with readings of Cedric Price’s original Fun Palace], resting and back again another loop, another group breeding new material articulation and programmatic differentiation. No undoing is possible, only more overlaying, incorporation, negotiation with what is already there.

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