This afternoon the Studio lead by Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto and Carmelo Zappulla, When Energy Becomes Form, presented their prototypes to an international jury composed by Silvia Bures (agricultural engineer), Joan García (GEMMA UPC), Tomasz Jaskiewicz (TU Delft), Manuel Kretzer (ETH Zurich), Mitchell Joachim (Terreform NY), Josep Muntañola (ETSAB UPC), Enrico Dini (D-Shape), Manuel Gausa (IAAC Dean) and Areti Markopoulou (MAA Director).

Energy is at the centre of the development of the contemporary urban landscape, however we are facing a situation where the energy structures of these cities are often segregated, hidden from the places of urban life. The bio-technological Prototypes presented aimed to subvert this paradigm of segregation, through the study of morphology, materiality and aesthetic novelty generating the emergent qualities of specific flows of energy and information.


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