IAAC in LA – Day 2-Emergent Territories Studio – Workshop in SCIARC.

The Emergent Territory Students continue their Research Trip to Los Angeles, actively participating in several activities hosted by Sciarc faculty throughout the day:

+ Andrew Atwood introduced the team, activities, research and equipment available at the Robot House.

+ A live presentation of the synchronized robots was directed by Brandon Kruysman and John Proto.

+ The students had also the chance to interact with some robots, leaded by the technical robotic team instructor Nazareth Ekmekjian.

+ Ivan Bernal, provided a comprehensive overview of MAYA modelling, rendering and animation techniques.

+ Afterwards the students participated in studio presentations at Sciarc.

+ Finally, they attended a lecture by Todd Gannon: Prelude to the Confederacy at the W.M. Keck Lecture Hall, with an Intro by Eric Owen Moss.

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