Stefano Boeri lecturing at IAAC on Thursday 23rd at 19:30


Stefano Boeri at IaaC

Lecture: Mar Adentro
23rd of May // 19:30 // IAAC Auditorium // C/Pujades 102 BARCELONA

Stefano Boeri, born in 1956, is a Milan-based architect and founder of “Stefano Boeri Architetti”. From 2004 to 2007 he was editor in chief of Domus international magazine. From 2007 to 2011 he was editor in chief of the international magazine Abitare. Professor of Urban Design at the Politecnico di Milano, he has taught as visiting professor at Harvard GSD, MIT and Berlage Institute among others. He is the founder of Multiplicity international research network dedicated to the study of contemporary urban transformations. Co-author of different volumes such as Mutations (Actar, 2000), USE (Skirà, 2002) and Cronache del Abitare (Mondadori, 2007), Biomilano (Corraini, 2011) and author of Anticittà (Laterza, 2011). Stefano Boeri, with his texts and reflections, is a regular contributor to several magazines and newspapers. Together with Burdett, Herzog and MacDonough, Boeri was part of the Architecture Advisory Board in charge of developing the guidelines for the urban transformations to be implemented within the frame of the 2015 Milan Architecture Expo.

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