TEI 2013 – International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction – Barcelona

February 10-13, 2013. Barcelona, Spain.

TEI presents the latest research results, developments and challenges in the fields of human-computer interaction, multimodal interaction design, interactive art, user experience, and the latest technological tools and developments. TEI is presented as a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and presentation of innovative work through talks, interactive exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, posters, art installations and performances.

On Sunday, February 10, 8 workshops will take place at Fab Lab Bcn, taught by specialists from around the world, where participants can implement various technologies and activities related to the theme of the conference, such as experimenting with conductive paints and fabrics to build interactive clothing, experiment with different types of sensors, designed and built small robots, programme and design applications for future smart cities, develop applications  for special interactive tables, tablets and smartphones, etc.

Fab Lab Barcelona will present the Studio 13: From Microcontrollers to Cities and will be hosting, on tuesday 12th, the exhibition of the final projects.

More info at www.tei-conf.org

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