
IAAC | Fab Lab Barcelona with fabtextiles.org and pratipo.orginvite you to a first open and free session: Introduction and demo

We are proposing a workshop directed to all those who wish fully develop a project that combies digital fabrications technologies and interactive capacities (physical computation).

Since in the 30′s modern reprogrammable computers were theorised, these have gone from mainstream to cellular and from isolated machines to nodes of the Web. These two propoerties – miniaturization and hyperconectivity – announce a new state of invisible ubiquity for devices that consume+produce information. A state of fusion with a tangible world that surrounds us, where our body is the last border.

Digital fabrication technologies allow us to prototype this integration between wearables and technology towards information|interaction.

Fileds of Application: 

Fashion and product design, interaction design, performance and scenographic arts, sports science, health science, prosthetics, pedagogy, material engineering, etc.


No technical knowledge is needed.

The participation in this workshop is subject to the previous presentation of a project proposal. The tutors will evaluate the inclusion of the proposals (as participants in the workshop program) and these will be evaluated and accepted in order of reception. There is no limit to the number of proposals per person, but only one proposal will be accepted per person.


For more information, contact us at: info@fabtextiles.org

Tutors: Raul (Pratipo) + Anastasia (FabTextiles)

Places available:

Limited to 8 proposals/participants. The workshop will be developed with a minimum of 4 proposals/participants.





16 May // Open Session // 19:00

25 May // Deadline for project proposals

June // Tuesdays 18:00 – 22:00 + Saturdays 10:30 – 14:30


Sesión #0 OPEN+FREE

16th May // 19:00 – 21:00

Presentation of Fab Lab Barcelona – Fab Textiles

Presentation of the workshop

Demo/Prototyping a kinetic, reactive, wireless component

No enrollment needed. Participants must be punctual.


The participation does not require any pre-acquired materials, or any subsequent engagement.

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