Tuesday 28th of January: LUCA GALOFARO (IaN+) –
This is not a manifesto

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Tuesday 28th of January 2014
Luca Galofaro (IaN+)
Lecture: This s not a manifesto.

@ 19.30, IAAC Auditorium
Open to the Public

Luca Galofaro is an architect and an educator, from 2009 to 2012 he was professor at Ecole Speciale d’Architecture in Paris, in 2013 professor of Urban design at the Bartlett school in London. He obtained the Master degree of Spatial Science at the International Space University, UHA Huntsville, Alabama. He worked at Eisenman Architects in New York and he is author of several books published by Bruno Zevi´s collection of Universal Architecture and contributes to various magazines on architecture. He is the author of two blogs about architectural research: www.the-booklist.com, www.the-imagelist.com

He is co-founder and member of IaN+ architecture from 1997.

IaN+ was set up in 1997 and materializes around the core of its three members with diverse professional formation and experience: Carmelo Baglivo (30.11.’64), Luca Galofaro (19.03.’65), for design project and theory, Stefania Manna (06.07.’69) for engineering. IaN+ multi-disciplinary agency aims at being a place where theory and practice of architecture overlap and meet.
Ian+ office, won the gold medal for Italian architecture in 2006, was nominee for the Iakov Chernikov Prize in 2011, received a honorable mention in the category Built Environment for the Zumtobel Award 2012 and was candidated for the Italian Architecture Gold Medal IV edition 2012. Ian+ Is finalist to the Agha Kahn Award 2013, and received the honorable mention at the Piranesi Award 2013. Their projects, are part of the permanent collection of FRAC Centre (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain), which features experimental architectural projects.

IaN+ projects have been selected for many exhibitions all around the world. Among them, “Testify! The consequences of architecture” at NAi Rotterdam(2011); the Venice Biennale (2000, 2004, 2008, 2010); the Brazilian Architecture Biennale in San Paolo (2007); the London Biennale of Architecture( 2006); ArchiLab (2000, 2001 2002) in Orléans (France).
They have been participating to many national and international architectural competitions, gaining several prizes and mentions.
They won the first prize for the competition Busan Opera House (2011) and an honorable mention for the National Museum of Afghanistan (2012) “Social Housing Masterplan Cà D’oro – Mestre” in Venice (2010).

He carries on teaching activities in workshops and design course in several schools of Architecture and Design since 1992.

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