The Sliding Joints !


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 Group 1 attempted to create a combination between dynamic and fixed joints to create a zipper like joints that moves on a horizontal axis . With this movement of the joints , the tension fiberglass cables changes in form to create alternation of forms and directions . 4 different Kind of logic in Joints  created to gain more  flexibility in movement on all dimensions .

                 1 d                                                              

The four kinds of joints included 2 dynamic , 1 fixed and 1 semi dynamic . Accordionic plastic peaces were added after the opening where made to form the track of the sliding joints . More over the other solid joint was fixed on the board where the last joint is flying in the air . The remarkable thing of this project is the use of fablab through two machines ; The laser cutter machine as well as the 3rd printing with the use of external materials like aluminum rails to fix the joints and create this joint mobility .


Done by :  Michele Braidy – Alejandro Martinez del Campo – Mohamad Yassin

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